Euskera 2009, 2-1.zatia "Ikasteredu elebidunak eta euskararen iker (molde) berriak"
In 2009 the journal Euskera was revamped and firm steps were taken in terms of quality and acceptance criteria, mainly to adapt to the levels of standardisation of scientific journals at the time. The new stage was initiated by the monographic issue "Ikasteredu elebidunak eta euskararen iker(molde) berriak" (Bilingual study models and new ways of researching the Basque language). Participants: Alaitz Alegria, Margareta Almgren, Ane Amorortu, Andoni Barreña, Leire Beloki, Leire Diaz de Gereñu, Diego Egizabal, Marijose Ezeizabarrena, Eneritz Garro, Iñaki Garzia, Ines Garzia-Azkoaga, Itziar Idiazabal, Luis Maria Larringan, Ibon Manterola, Ane Ortega, Arantza Ozaeta, Karmele Pérez, Matilde Sainz, Josune Zabala and Larraitz Zubeldia.