"Literatura Unibertsala" bildumako hitzaurreen azterketa
https://doi.org/10.59866/eia.v58i2.161Mots-clés :
Colección Literatura Unibertsala, Analyse paratextuelle, Préfaces de traductions, Collection Literatura UnibertsalaRésumé
When the paratext of the collection of translations entitled Literatura Unibertsala is exa-mined, the fact that the translations include a foreword written by the translator is worthy of note. The 152 introductions corresponding to the first two phases of the collection have been analyzed, on the basis of the classifications established by Genette (1987) and Riste-rucci-Roudnicky (2008). Some of the features of the forewords have been highlighted to-gether with the translators’ discourse, with the aim of analyzing the collection and of assisting future writers when providing forewords for collections of literary translations.
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Comment citer
Ibarluzea Santisteban, M. (2014). "Literatura Unibertsala" bildumako hitzaurreen azterketa . Euskera Ikerketa Aldizkaria, 2(58), 687–719. https://doi.org/10.59866/eia.v58i2.161
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