Azken 25 urteotako euskararen bilakaera Araban ("Arabatik Arabara euskaraz" Jagon jardunaldia)


  • Jon Aizpurua Eusko Jaurlaritzako Hizkuntza Politikarako Sailburuordetza



Araba, Basque, use, transmission, evolution


Araba has been the province that has displayed the greatest vitality with respect to the revival of Basque. Even though the starting point has been very modest with respect to the knowledge, transmission and use of Basque, the Basquisation of the inhabitants of Araba has, however, been expanding at a lively pace over the last few years. With respect to knowledge of Basque, the transformation Araba has undergone over the last 25 years has been considerable. Nevertheless, the most significant change has taken place as far as age is concerned. There are more and more bilingual people across all age groups, but growth has taken place mainly among young people. In Araba the main channel for transmitting Basque has been the education system and the Basquisation of adults. So today most of the bilinguals of Araba learn Basque as a second language. The most salient feature of Basque bilinguals is the network of relationships, in particular the close one, which is Spanish­speaking and, on the whole, they manage better in Spanish than in Basque. These features determine the use of Basque completely.


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How to Cite

Aizpurua, J. (2012). Azken 25 urteotako euskararen bilakaera Araban ("Arabatik Arabara euskaraz" Jagon jardunaldia). Euskera Ikerketa Aldizkaria, 3(56), 539–556.



Research articles