Peer review proccess

Selection process

The selection process follows the procedure described below:

  • Submission of manuscripts: manuscripts should be submitted to Euskera ikerketa aldizkaria through the platform provided on the website.
  • Once the manuscript has been received, the author will receive an email acknowledging its receipt, though the author may subsequently be asked tor remedy errors of format or presentation or adhere to the requirements set forth in the Instructions for Authors.
  • Sending manuscripts, reviewing them and, where appropriate, subsequently publishing them do not incur any cost to the authors. After receiving them, the the secretariat of Euskera ikerketa aldizkaria will review the manuscript to ensure anonymisation. Elements in the manuscript that might allow direct identification of the authors will be removed or altered.
  • Work received will be reviewed in a preliminary assessment by a member of the Editorial Committee, in accordance with the criteria for conformity to the editorial line and academic originality, and they will report to the rest of the Editorial Committee. Work whose content is outside the coverage of the journal or which lacks the structure of an academic text will be rejected. The authors of work that does not pass this selection process will receive justified notification of this.

With regard to originality and presentation, the following aspects should be taken into account:

  • Entirely original, valuable confirmation, repetition of known results.
  • Currency and novelty. Relevance in the twin aspects of usefulness (applicability of the results to solving specific problems) and significance (advancing academic knowledge).
  • Academic reliability and validity, i.e. proven methodological quality.
  • Presentations. Well written (clear, brief and precise), well organised (logically coherent) and good presentation of material.
  • The submission of manuscripts for publication in the journal implies agreement to all the specified conditions of the publication process at Euskera ikerketa aldizkaria. The Editorial Committee takes no responsibility for the results, statements, opinions and points of view sustained by the authors in their different forms and formats of appearance in the journal.

The following points will also be taken into account:

  • Authorship, contributions and acknowledgements. The authors must have taken sufficient part in the work, take responsibility for at least one of the parts that make it up, identify those responsible for each of the other parts and have confidence in the ability and integrity of their co-authors.
  • Collaborators who have contributed in some way to preparing the manuscript, but whose collaboration does not justify authorship, may appear in the Acknowledgements section.
  • All natural or legal persons mentioned in this section must be aware of and consent to this mention; dealing with this is the responsibility of the authors.
  • Copyright. Euskera ikerketa aldizkaria adheres to the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC-BY-NC) licence, which means authors maintain their rights of authorship and do not allow commercial use of the original work or of any work derived from it, distribution of which must be under the same licence as the original work, referring to its authorship and to the journal, which must always be cited, allowing its dissemination through open access systems and the use of the content by the international academic community and the rest of society.
  • Conflict of interest. The authors must declare any possible conflicts of interest, whether professional, financial or of any other kind, that could influence the content of the work. Should the manuscript or part of its content have been published previously in any medium, the Editorial Committee of the journal must be informed of this and supplied with a copy of the said publication.
  • Funding. In the event that the work was partially or fully funded by any public or private institution, this must be stated both in the covering letter and in the text of the manuscript.

Permission to reproduce published material. The authors are responsible for obtaining all necessary permission to reproduce any material protected by copyright or similar.

Review Process

Manuscripts submitted will follow a rigorous double-blind external peer review process (PEER REVIEW SYSTEM). This process ensures the privacy and independence of external reviewers, respect for review deadlines and the possibility of refusing to review a paper where a conflict of interest arises or it is not the field of specialisation of the external reviewer. Reviewers will issue a justified report on the academic quality of the manuscript and its suitability or otherwise for publication, and this will be taken into consideration by the Editorial Committee.

  • Euskera ikerketa aldizkaria may provide reviewers with a protocol sheet in order to improve and facilitate the manuscript review process. As proof of editorial transparency, Euskera ikerketa aldizkaria makes this protocol public so that authors will be aware of the aspects of the review to which their manuscripts will be subjected.
  • Reviewers must take into account the following criteria for acceptance or rejection in reviewing manuscripts: they must have knowledge and experience in the field. They should only take on the job if they consider themselves competent in the subject area they are being asked to review. They undertake to abide by review deadlines. Should they turn it down, they must inform the secretary of the journal as promptly as possible. They take on an undertaking of confidentiality, whereby they are not to disclose the contents of the paper to a third party at any point in the process. The only authorised interlocutors for any matter relating to the review process are the editor and publishers of the journal.
  • After agreeing to review the paper, the reviewers must conduct an objective, technical and constructive review of the paper or recension. The reviewers' task in the review process is to make sure the paper complies with the instructions in the journal's review process. They must fill in the peer review form created by the publisher of the journal, adding comments for the author for the purposes of revising the manuscript: suggestions, improvements or necessary changes to make the piece publishable. They can add confidential comments for the publishers: any other consideration with regard to the quality and acceptability of the manuscript, or any comment that they do not wish to be passed on to the author. The review is to be sent to the publishers via the journal portal, including the pertinent recommendation.
  • Reviewers will have a deadline to hand in their reports, which must be respectful and constructive. The Editorial Committee may, should it consider it necessary, approach a third external reviewer or a committee of experts in the event of clear discrepancy between the two reviews.
  • The external reviewers' reports will be sent to the authors for their consideration. The Editorial Committee, depending on the external reviews of each manuscript, will decide whether to publish it or not.
  • The authors will receive a notification of whether their paper has been accepted or rejected as promptly as possible, as well as telling them approximately when it will be published. Finally, authors are reminded that the fundamental factors on which decisions to accept or reject their manuscripts are based concern their suitability for the journal, originality, relevance, methodological quality and presentation or style.
  • Proofs will be dealt with by the Editorial Committee or, if the author so requests, they will be sent to them on the condition that they return them by the agreed date. If this deadline is not met the corrections will not be accepted. Once the paper has been published, the author will receive a copy of the journal plus its digital version.