"Too many times they ask me where I come from". Newcomers in immersion programs and the question of identity


  • Ane Urizar
  • Amelia Barquín
  • Sara Jiménez de Aberasturi




Newly arrived students, plural identity, Basque, teachers’ intervention


In this article we will report on a study, based on the statements of 32 teachers who work with newcomers in immersion programs (10-14 years); They are Basque teachers in the immersion program (specifically in the Eusle and HIPI language strengthening programs). The purpose of the research is twofold: 1) to find out what difficulties, obstacles and incidents the newcomers in immersion programs express in relation to identity, and the teachers’ reflections on them; 2) to know the interventions and practices that teachers implement in relation to the identity of newcomers in immersion programs, as well as their thoughts on
the subject. The data were taken during a training process carried out by these teachers, in the “Course to specialize in the immersion of newly arrived students”, at the Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences (HUHEZI) of the University of Mondragon; the data
come from the explanations written by the teachers in answer to question about the identity of the students. The data are analysed and categorized through content analysis. The results show that until now the teachers and students of the research have not been familiar with the concept of plural identity, nor have they taken it into account. Some have considered that identity is generally associated with a single society or territory, mostly with the original one. The teachers believe that in the future their beliefs and that they will have to revise their practices.


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How to Cite

Ane Urizar, Amelia Barquín, & Sara Jiménez de Aberasturi. (2023). "Too many times they ask me where I come from". Newcomers in immersion programs and the question of identity. Euskera Ikerketa Aldizkaria, 2(68), 149–181. https://doi.org/10.59866/eia.v2i68.268



Research articles