Gelako interakzioa: irakasleen esku-hartzea eta ikasleen ahozko ekoizpena: jolas arauen azalpena lehen hekuntzako ikasleen eskutik


  • Matilde Sainz Osinaga Mondragon Unibertsitatea
  • Eneritz Garro Mondragon Unibertsitatea
  • Arantza Ozaeta Mondragon Unibertsitatea
  • Karmele Perez Lizarralde Mondragon Unibertsitatea
  • Diego Egizabal Mondragon Unibertsitatea



bilingual education, language teaching-learning contents, didactic interaction, spoken language, didactic transposition


this research examines several aspects related to language teaching-learning through curricular contents (snow et al., 1989: Laplante, 2000) in a primary school classroom. the Didactic sequence (Ds) that we analysed responds to a dual discipline purpose: to the Knowledge of the Means and the spoken language (process explanation genre). Firstly, we analysed, within the framework of didactic transposition, the design of the Ds and its implementation. Furthermore, we noted the types of interaction and the learning raised by the teacher among the students. All things considered, it deals with knowing the teacher’s intervention, who takes on the dual learning: curricular and language. Finally, we analysed the initial and final productions of the students to become acquainted with the learning that has been taught throughout the Ds.


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How to Cite

Sainz Osinaga, M., Garro, E., Ozaeta, A., Perez Lizarralde, K., & Egizabal, D. (2010). Gelako interakzioa: irakasleen esku-hartzea eta ikasleen ahozko ekoizpena: jolas arauen azalpena lehen hekuntzako ikasleen eskutik . Euskera Ikerketa Aldizkaria, 2(54), 541–577.