Euskara eta herrigintza joan deneko 25 urtean (Arabatik Arabara euskaraz Jagon jardunaldia)


  • Miel A. Elustondo



Basque-medium schools, Andoni Urrestarazu, Ikastolak, Izaskun Arrue, the Literacy­ Basquisation movement, Henrike Knörr


This paper sets out to look at the progress made by Basque in Araba (Alava) since the 1960s. The movement begun during the years following the Spanish Civil War [1936-­39] in one way or another persists until today: the first Basque classes of the 1950s run by Andoni Urrestarazu «Umandi» and Peli Presa; the first ikastola or Basque-medium school in the 1960s, and its first teacher Izaskun Arrue; the schools set up by Henrike Knörr under the auspices of the Euskaltzaindia in the 1970s; and the start of the Literacy­ Basquisation movement in Araba. The 1980s saw the founding of the Olabide ikastola and the network of Ikastolas spread throughout the province as a result of the work of the Federation of Ikastolas of Araba. The work of HABE, AEK and IKA. The initiative of the Associations in favor of Basque, the activity of the Association of Extempore Verse Making Devotees, and last, but not least, the rapid increase in the number of bilinguals brought about by the education system and activities fostering the Basque language and culture... In the light of current data the paper offers an overview of all these things.


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How to Cite

Elustondo, M. A. (2012). Euskara eta herrigintza joan deneko 25 urtean (Arabatik Arabara euskaraz Jagon jardunaldia). Euskera Ikerketa Aldizkaria, 3(56), 577–588.



Research articles