"Euskara" eta "vascuence" hitzen metriko-poetikoaz: katebegi ostenduak, aroen mitoa eta periodizazio irizpideak euskal literaturaren historian (Euskal Literaturaren Historiografiari buruzko II. jardunaldiak)
euskara, Basque, metrical-poetical meaning, Mikoleta, Larramendi, epistemeAbstract
The article is divided into three parts. In the first part, the metrical-poetical meaning of the words euskara and vascuence is discussed, even though it has not been registered in the dictionary. The author offers the hypothesis that Larramendi could have taken the meaning from Mikoleta. In the second part Larramendi’s poetical euskara is analyzed in the context of the function of the golden and iron age myths in the development of the Spanish monarchy’s imperial discursive formation. In the third part, a proposal is developed to use that iron.
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How to Cite
Bijueska, K. J. (2014). "Euskara" eta "vascuence" hitzen metriko-poetikoaz: katebegi ostenduak, aroen mitoa eta periodizazio irizpideak euskal literaturaren historian (Euskal Literaturaren Historiografiari buruzko II. jardunaldiak). Euskera Ikerketa Aldizkaria, 2(58), 577–608. https://doi.org/10.59866/eia.v58i2.158
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