Aditza aitzinago ekarriko dugu, efizienteago komunikatzeko?
euskera, prosa lógico-discursiva escrita, orden de las palabras, retrocarga, posición del verbo, estudio empíricoAbstract
This article deals with the word-order in Basque sentences and shows the results obtai-ned, with different samples, in two phases of the research (in 2011 and 2015), about the position of the verb and the rear-burden. It has been investigated if there is or not among respondents a tendency to prefer word-orders with a higher rear-burden. For this, 3 samples have been analyzed (experts, university degree students, high school teachers). They have been presented with a set of 61 items, observing in their responses if they accept the word-order with a lower rear-burden or instead they prefer to delay the position of the verb and, consequently, to increase the rear-burden. Results show that the group of experts accepts much more easily the sequences with reduced rear-burden than the people of the other samples; on the other hand, the existence of remarkably different results among the people surveyed has been observed. Taking both data together, it is concluded that an evolution is currently taking place in the topic of the word-order in the sentence, in the direction of reducing the rear-burden.