Gramatikaren auzi batzuk
Euskaltzaindiaren Mendeurrena: Euskararen Gramatika
linguistics, Basque grammars, Basque verb, derivation, case suffixesAbstract
The aim of this article is to highlight some of the features of 21st century grammars. Specifically, how Basque Grammar has benefited from the contributions of the last fifty years of linguistics with regard to the structures of the Basque language: distinguishing declension and case suffixes; the influence of ‘argument structures’ and ‘thematic papers’ on verb classification and derivation; distinguishing between syntactic structure and information structure, among other things. In fact, the way in which morphological and syntactic language system descriptions have changed greatly since the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries depending on the concepts and formalizations available to grammarians during each period.