Literatur historia postnazionala :mende-genero-belaunaldi-autore zatiketaren ideologia filologiko hilaren ondoko historiografiaz (Euskal Literaturaren Historiografiari buruzko II. jardunaldiak)
History of Basque literature, biopolitics, diaspora, postnacionalismAbstract
The philological and sociological traditions of Basque literary history are examined in order to show their limits. Four proposals are made to overcome those limits. Basque literary history needs to be postnational as it is the history of two literatures, that of subaltern literature, on the whole realized orally and in Basque, and that of the elites, who have always made use of the state languages. At the same time Basque literary history needs to become biopolitical. Thirdly, a postnational biopolitical Basque literary history cannot be ordered by century, but as a history situated in the clash between European and American imperialisms. Finally, bearing in mind the 'continentalism' imposed by nationalism, most of the literatures of the American diaspora need to be taken into account.