Eusebio Maria Azkueren nortasunaz eta harreraz argitasun batzuk:harenak ote dira "Carlistenac" bertsoak? (Eusebio Maria Azkueren bigarren mendeurren-jardunaldia)
verses, «Carlistenac», Bizenta Mogel, Navigation school of Lekeitio, autorship, hommage to Azkue father and son (1936)Abstract
On the one hand, various biographical data relating to Eusebio M. Azkue are presented, from the period when he was a teacher at the Lekeitio navigation school (1862-1873). For example, that the post was a source of considerable hard work, but that the income allowed him to pay off his debts. As a father he acted responsibly, promoting harmony between the sons and daughters of his two marriages. On the other hand, based on a comparison of the language, style of writing and metrics with other texts by Eusebio M. Azkue, the conclusion is reached that the verses entitled “Carlistenac”, which many poetry anthologists and editors attribute to Eusebio M. Azkue, are not his but Bizenta Mogel's.