Hizkuntza praktikak hiri mundu eta mundu hirietan: anbibalentziaren presentzia (XIX. Jagon jardunaldia: euskararen biziberritzea Euskal Herriko hiriburuetan)
city, modenity, social groups, cultural capital, anvibalenceAbstract
Basque faces a major challenge in the towns but an even greater one in maintaining to day’s strategic Basque speaking areas, since these are a bulwark for its survival. Among other areas, Donostia and its surrounding district are essential. The future of Basque is riddled with ambivalence, as decisions need to be taken in each area, district or societal situation, at ever more specialized and fragmented levels. Basque has grown substantially in the major towns, particularly in those where initial levels were very low. Where the level is higher, growth slows down and gives the impression that a ceiling has been reached. In any case, social sectors for and against Basque in the city are increasingly visible. If the historical challenges have been substantial until now, they will continue to be so in the future. In spite of the failings and limitations of the past 35 years the process has on the whole been successful and must continue to be so.