Piarres Larzabalen antzertiaren harrera hego Euskal Herrian
Literature, Theater, Basque Theater, reception to Basque Theater, pastoralak, Piarres LarzabalAbstract
After giving some information about Piarres Larzabal’s life (Askaine 1915 – Sokoa 1988), the author explains us how his theater was classified (Xarritton, 1984; Etxeberria, 2008). Later on, the author deals with the publication of different editions of Larzabal’s works, and how these ones were translated to Gipuzcoan dialect by Manuel Lekuona and Luis Villasante. Besides the labourdian theater companies, he also analyzes how his works were welcomed by different gipuzcoan companies (from Ordizia, Eusko Iztundea and Jarrai from Donostia, Allerru from Lezo, Goaz from Deba...) but particularly the company called Intxixu from Oiartzun, making an adaptation of his new pastoral. Anyway, taking into account the great number of displays and the success of the spectacle, we can consider Matalas as the summit of this success. In this historical drama Larzabal identifies himself with Matalas, priest who fights against the hierarchy, and the voice of the people who fights against the violence and the injustice of the power.