Ahoskera hiztunik hiztun eta eskualderik eskualde (Ahosker jardunaldia)
ahoskera estandarra, ahoskeraren gardentasunik eza, hasperena, sudurkaritasuna bokaletan, ü fonemaAbstract
We deal with the subject of pronunciation from the point of view of the dialectologist that collects and studies informations about Basque language phonetics. This discipline faces the researcher with the language and the pronunciation of different speakers. The disquisitions begin at the very first moment of recorded material’s transcription. Unless it is for a very detailed phonetic analysis, the dialectologist works with his hearing, and transcribing the ethnotexts shows sounds and processes that don’t belong to standard language. Our work shows features and nuances that appear after reflecting the informations of spoken language in the east of Northern Basque Country.