Sare sozial birtualak: kalean bezala sarean! ("Gazteen aisialdia eta euskara" Jagon jardunaldia)


  • Eneko Barberena



Multifunctionality, relationships, creativity, oportunity, success, complementarity


Today’s use of ICTs and current use of virtual social networks can be summarized using a set of key words. Multifunctionality: Today’s electronic equipment provides numerous opportunities. It isn’t just the telephone any more. It isn’t just the TV any more. There are even more, there are virtual platforms that include many services and fulfill many purposes: entertainment, communication, the providing of information, etc. Relationship: Today the Internet is mostly 2.0. Give and receive. Teach and learn. Correct and improve. That is one of the most wonderful things we Internet users are offered, the chance to communicate with other people (with citizens throughout the world). Creativity: Virtual social networks and the Internet are unrivaled tools for encouraging creativity. At the click of the mouse we have the work and suggestions of other creators and entrepreneurs at our fingertips. And if not, well, We can create it! We Basques know something about that (about creating things out of nothing), and that is why we could be successful in the chaos of the Internet. – Opportunity: Are we Basques going to allow the train of the new technologies to pass us by because we are not prepared? How often does a train like that come our way? – Success: Social networks are incredibly successful among young people, as confirmed by the data. And wherever something may be cooking. – Complementary: Start and Go on, Do and Exert your influence. The initial slogan of the Euskaltzaindia (Royal Academy of the Basque Language) and of the AED association (set up to promote Basque in Arrasate-Mondragon). And what we do in the street and what we do over the Internet, do they not complement each other?


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How to Cite

Barberena, E. (2011). Sare sozial birtualak: kalean bezala sarean! ("Gazteen aisialdia eta euskara" Jagon jardunaldia). Euskera Ikerketa Aldizkaria, 2(55), 711–736.



Research articles