Zer egin dezaket nire udalean nerabeek aisian eta lagunartean euskara gehiago erabiltzeko ("Gazteen aisialdia eta euskara" Jagon jardunalia)
Adolescent, sphere of activity, school, leisure time, group of friends, udaltopAbstract
What spheres of activity make up the reality of adolescents? And what is the relative importance of each one? And could it be that these two questions have the same answer with respect to the adolescents in Bilbao and those in Gares (Puente la Reina, Navarre)? And will the answers be the same for all the adolescents of Bilbao and all the adolescents of Gares? And...?And if we make an effort to put ourselves in one town council, which of these social activities are the ones that are carried out in the municipality? And despite taking place in the municipality, which ones could the town council exert an influence on?I do not know anyone who has a full answer, I myself at least do not have one. Neverthe-less, we have obtained some tools for interpretation purposes and they have turned out to be useful in our work. This was the subject that was worked on in the second edition of the Udaltop (www.udaltop.com). The same question was raised, but as usually happens in such cases, it did not receive a comprehensive reply. Nevertheless, some answers were found in the papers worked on and in the tasks done in the working groups by the people who a tended.