Malenkoniaren aurkako nostalgia: betiereko itzuleraren gorputz errepresentazio artistikoa konponbide gisa: Jon Mirande eta Balthazar Klossowski paristarren lanetan oinarritutako hurbilpen konparatiboa
Art and literature, anthropology, returning to the eternal, memory, melancholia, nostalgiaAbstract
The goal of this article is to analyze the role of the memory and the nostalgia as a resource to avoid the melancholia that comes from death and from the passage of time. As Mircea Eliade proposes in his work. Le mythe de l'éternel retour: Archétypes et répétition (1949), belie Ving in the myth of the cyclic time and returning to the myth that refers to old times where people found collective solutions to their problems. The modern human, however, as a result of choosing a historical and a lineal vision of time, had to develop other strategies in order to eliminate the specific time. Analyzing some artistic objects, from an anthropological comparative approach to Art Critic, we will study the place that Art has occupied during the 20th century as a resource to solve this problem. In this regard, we will use some corporal artistic representations created in the 20th century.